Joy To the World Christmas Banner 36"x60" CANVAS


These colorful 3' x 5' Christian Praise Banners are finished with hemmed. They are easily displayed by hanging them with your dowels or pvc pipe (not provided).

You put a lot of prayer and ministry time during special Christian events. Why not add the rich finishing touch of a large Canvas or PolyPoplin Banner? A picture is worth a thousand words and people, especially children, remember what they see long after what they read. A Banner puts the finishing touch on your worship services, Christian school celebrations and ministry conferences.

We've produced our designs on both CANVAS and POLYPOPLIN. PolyPoplin is more durable and easier to handle than laminated paper and they come with finished edges for easy display. They roll up easily for storage and can be displayed by hanging using the slots provided at both the top and bottom of the banner.

Quantity Pricing for 36" x 60" Vinyl Posters:
1 Canvas/$75 + freight
1 PolyPoplin/$125 + freight
  • Model: JTW1JoytotheWorld Canvas
  • 500 Units in Stock

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 03 February, 2017.